The Water

What is water?:

Water(H2O) is the substance most abundant on Earth and is the only one found in the atmosphere in liquid, solid and gaseous state.
The largest reservoir of water is in the oceans, which contain 97% of the water that exists in the Earth. It is salt water, which only allows the life of marine flora and fauna. The rest is fresh water, but not all are available: much remains always freeze, forming ice caps and glaciers.


  • At this temperature can survive frogs and fish, which are animals that have no mechanisms regulating their body heat.
  • Large bodies of water, such as oceans store heat received from the sun and release it slowly.
  • Water dissolves many substances and retained even when the temperature varies.
  • Plants and animals equilibrate its temperature .
  • Water is a vehicle for animal derived therefrom.
  • Water is an important means of energy exchange .


Water’s cycle:

The water does not always stay in the same places. We’ve all seen falling from the clouds when it rains or snows, we have seen runs along the rivers and streams.

Relation with living beins:

Water is essential for life, because no organism survives without it. It is an essential constituent of living matter and hydrogen source for organisms. It also influences them through the atmosphere and climate. It is the medium in which the abundant and varied aquatic flora and fauna develops.
Living things are made up mostly of water. In the case of marine animals the percentage of water can exceed 95%. The dried seeds, which retain only traces of moisture, can not germinate without water absorb large amounts of water involved in all vital functions of plants and animals.




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